Project Name I ExtrudePLUS
Project Code | POCI-01-0249-FEDER-019132
Main Objective | To reinforce research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region | NUTS II - North
Beneficiary entity | NAVARRA - EXTRUSÃO DE ALUMÍNIO, S.A.
Approval date | 04-10-2016
Start date | 01-04-2016
Conclusion date | 31-03-2018
Total eligible cost | 11,256,490.50 Euros
EU financial support | ERDF - 3,939,325.43 EUR and ESF - 375.00 Euros
Objectives: to increase the Navarra's production capacity, through technological capacity building and process modernisation, as well as the acquisition of equipment to significantly improve the quality of its products and making investments to improve the organisation of procedures and the working conditions.
Results achieved:
• Increased production;
• Made its processes technologically more advanced;
• Improved quality of its products and increased competitiveness, reinforcing its presence in more demanding and sophisticated external markets.