Portugal ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Informations Architecture office: ISCTE Picture: Nelson Garrido Located at: Portugal Included systems: N14200-300 Concealed Frame The concealed frame system, available in the N14 200 and N14 300 variants, has a sash depth of 70mm and 80mm, respectively. Manufactured with thermally improved three-chamber profiles, it uses 24mm and 34mm polyamide bars reinforced with fibreglass. With a 66.5mm wide sash, this system features the concealed frame, which allows maintaining the same view in both fixed and moveable sections. N16200 The N16 200 system with a fixed frame depth of 79mm, has the possibility of using glazing up to 75mm is associated with excellent thermal and acoustic benefits. Adapted to the new European building systems, it uses European groove accessories and responds to CE Marking requirements. N18200 Due to its technical features, the n18 200 system has a high energetic performance, being the ideal solution for those who require a high comfort and safety level. This system was developed taking into account the optimization of the production process combined with an easy installation and a high level of flexibility to respond to the different project solutions. When combined with efficient glass, the n18 200 system achieves or even exceeds the energetic requirements, enabling the reduction of CO2 emissions and energy expenses.